Author: admin
New & Seasonal Beer Releases, Including a Party Tonight at the Latona Pub
Spring has now officially sprung. Along with a new baseball season, baby ducks, tulips and more daylight, spring brings a host of new and seasonal…
Session #62: What Drives Beer Bloggers
Perhaps you know about The Session. Each month beer bloggers are invited to write on a chosen topic. The whole thing is the brainchild of…
Classic Rock at Trade Route Brewing with Four on the Floor
This blog is very good for self-promotion. Why not? It’s my blog, right? That said, my band is playing tomorrow night (Saturday, April 7th) at…
Naked City Introduces New Chef
Since opening in 2008 Naked City Brewery and Taphouse has undergone a couple rounds of expansion. The first round saw the addition of a brewery…
One Year Anniversary Celebrations at Brave Horse Tavern
I love Brave Horse Tavern and I won’t apologize for it. In my opinion Tom Douglas and his crew knocked the ball out of the…
April Means IPA at Cooper’s & the Beveridge Place
It’s April and around Seattle that means IPA. Especially at the Beveridge Place Pub (blog sponsor) and Cooper’s Alehouse. At the Beveridge Place Pub IPApril…
Kulshan Brewing – Bellingham’s New Brewery Hits the Ground Running
The other day at Cask Fest we were talking to our friend Terry from Bellingham. He’s our go-to guy for all things beer in Whatcom…
Photos and Follow Up – Taste Washington 2012
We kept a lid on things Saturday knowing that we’d be pulling a double-header. Still, when we woke up on Sunday morning after attending the…
Photos and Follow Up – WA Cask Beer Festival 2012
Here is our report, with plenty of pictures, from yesterday’s Washington Cask Beer Festival. Once again Washington’s brewers nailed it. Cask Fest was fantastic again…