I’m Kendall Jones, the producer of the Washington Beer Blog. On this forum alone, I’ve published over 6,000 distinct stories about craft beer and the craft brewing industry.
Instagram: @beerblog
FB: @washingtonbeerblog
Threads: @beerblog
Email: kjones @ washingtonbeerblog.com
Over the past 15 years, I’ve worked in the craft beer industry as a journalist, freelance writer, and event producer. My work for Seattle magazine, Sip Magazine, USA Today, Beer Advocate, Outdoors NW, and others can be found at kendalljones.net.

Who’s Behind the Washington Beer Blog?
Along with my wife, Kim Jones, I operate the Washington Beer Blog. We’ve been here for a long time: we launched the blog back in 2008. We’ve seen a lot of changes in the world of beer in that time. Together, Kim and I work hard to keep our finger on the pulse of the beer scene up here in the Pacific Northwest and across the nation.
Kim and I have built a lot of relationships in the industry. We’ve made a lot of great friends. We are fiercely loyal to our local, independent breweries and are proud to advocate on their behalf, using the Washington Beer Blog as our megaphone.
But it doesn’t stop there. I am a Seattle-based journalist and freelance writer who has published over 6,000 distinct stories (mostly online), sharing news and information about the beer and brewing scene in Washington, the Pacific Northwest, and beyond.