Seattle has great parks. Too often people don’t take advantage of that fact. For example, Discovery Park is a marvelous place to go for nice long walk. Next Tuesday, July 22 you can do that with some brewers and learn some stuff along the way. This little hiking adventure is part of a program called Beers Made By Walking.
I honestly wasn’t sure what it meant when I first heard about the program, but once I read a little bit about Beers Made By Walking, everything made sense. Basically, go for a hike with some brewers and some plant experts to learn about edible and medical plants along the trail and how they might be incorporated into beer. No foraging involved, but after learning about the possibilities, the brewmasters conceive beers, source ingredients from local vendors, and create brews that will eventually be used to help raise funds for Friends of the Cedar River Watershed, an organization dedicated to protecting one of the local watersheds.
The hikes take place in local parks, you’re invited, and they are free. The first of these hikes took place last month at Seattle’s Seward Park, with Epic Ales and Brickyard Brewing. Next week, you’re invited to join the second hike, which happens at Seattle’s Discovery Park with Fremont Brewing and Naked City Brewing. Sign up for the walk here and learn more about the program here:
It surprises some folks to learn that our local forests are teeming with edible plants. And if they’re edible, they can probably be used in a beer. Hit the trail and see what’s out there and how to use it in beer.
Seattle is not alone. Beers Made By Walking also conducts similar hikes in other beery places, like Portland and Bend.