It’s kind of like Mother’s Day for beer. We love and appreciate our mothers all the time but every year we dedicate one day to showing her some extra love and appreciation. A day to celebrate our moms. Around the Seattle area, we love beer all the time, but once a year we take a week to show some extra appreciation: Seattle Beer Week.
For the 15th year, Seattle Beer Week will celebrate and promote the fantastic beer culture in and around Seattle. Events of all types are already scheduled at bars, restaurants, brewery taprooms, and anywhere people enjoy beer. (It’s not too late to plan your own event, BTW. See below.) The fun starts on Friday, May 17th, and runs through the 25th.
For consumers, keep an eye on the SBW website where you’ll find the complete calendar of events. Events like the Beveridge Place Pub’s Cask-O-Rama featuring ten beers poured directly from casks lined up on the bar top, a Pilsner Party at Full Throttle Bottle featuring the entire tap list dedicated to West Coast Pilsners, and a beer industry cornhole tournament at The Growler Guys. Many, many more events are already planned and will soon be announced.
On top of all that, a special beer will be part of the Seattle Beer Week celebration. This year the SBW beer comes from Old Stove Brewing. Keep an eye on the SBW website as more details become available.
Perhaps your bar, restaurant, or taproom wants to host an event. What the hell? Don’t cost nothin’. Get in on the fun and know that Seattle Beer Week helps promote your event! There’s more info about that below.
Seattle Beer Week 15
May 17th – 24th
The 15th Celebration of all things Beer in the greater Seattle Area.
What? Seattle Beer Week is a week-long, city-wide extravaganza providing a platform for
Breweries, Bars, Restaurants, or pretty much anyone to showcase their love of beer!
Why? Seattle Beer Week is an excellent tool to promote your business and support other
local businesses. You host the events, we promote it on our website, and new customers show up. Throughout Seattle Beer Week, our website sees upwards of 90k in traffic. The goal here is to get more people in your business this week
How? Host a beer event and let us know about it. We’ll post it on the website. This is a great week to do something out of the ordinary for you that somehow involves beer. Host a brewers night, put on a beer dinner, get weird, and take a risk this week on something Beer-related you wouldn’t normally do. There is literally no limit to what you can do as long as somehow in some way it relates to beer. Contact SBW about your event here.
But how much does it cost? Nothing. You host an event and we’ll promote it on our website for you. If that sounds too good to be true and you are inclined to spend some money, sponsorship opportunities are available. Sponsorship fees go towards marketing expenses and in return, we offer your logo on the official SBW Tee Shirt, Expanded Website Presence, Social Media Shoutouts, and more!
Help spread the love. Celebrate beer. Support the local beer economy! Get in on the Seattle Beer Week action! As a consumer, as a venue, it’s a friggin’ beautiful thing! Contact SBW for more info and to inform the organizers about your event.