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News of Two Autumn Seasonal Beers from Hale’s:
2015 Autumn Beer from Hale’s Ales
O’Brien’s Harvest Ale
First introduced in 1986, this is the NW’s original Harvest Ale. Hearty, complex, aromatic and delicious, O’Brien’s Harvest Ale is a much anticipated NW classic and a silver medal winner at the 2008 GABF! This year we’ve added German Munich malt to the recipe and the hops include Eldorado, Chinook, Mosaic, Lemon Drop and Centennials. This beer is full flavored and aromatic as most of the hops are late additions.
ABV: 7.2 %, IBU’s: 45
Available in kegs and 6-pack bottles August through October
Hale’s Fresh Hop ISA
Delicious aromatic hop character with a low ABV, India Session Ales have understandably become very popular in the NW. A golden ale brewed with 2-row barley and oats with a lemony, floral hop character. The fresh hops we use will be determined closer to harvest time.
ABV: 4.3%, IBU’s: 1
Available in kegs and 22 oz bottles Mid Sept – mid Nov.
Look for these and other Hale’s beers on the shelves of your favorite beer store and wherever fine craft beers are sold across the Northwest. Cheers!
You just made my …fall!
Love O’briens. Best from the keg. Yum!!