Author: Kendall Jones

Freelance writer, freestyle beer drinker, and producer of the Washington Beer Blog. Longtime craft beer enthusiast and recovering homebrewer. Dedicated to helping the craft brewing industry continue to grow and prosper. To learn more about Kendall, CLICK HERE.

Beer Release – Barrel-Aged Oort Imperial Stout, Ecliptic Brewing

Here’s a rare beer release notice for you. I am just putting this one on your radar screen. Portland’s Ecliptic Brewing just announced that it…

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Lowercase Brewing Celebrating 2nd Anniversary with a New Brewhouse

Lowercase Brewing, located in Seattle’s South Park neighborhood, is about to turn two years old. They’re having a party and you’re invited. The hootenanny takes…

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Beer and Food Pairing Tonight at Watershed Pub and Kitchen

On the last Wednesday of each month Seattle’s Watershed Pub and Kitchen hosts a beer and food pairing event: the Convergence Series. This being the…

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What’s Happening on New Years Eve

Wondering what to do on New Years Eve? Well we’ve compiled a list of what’s happening at local beer bars and breweries. Our list is…

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New Years Eve at the Parkway Tavern

– by Casey McLain, South Sound Bureau Chief – From the bar that brought you “Honey, The Parkway Ruined Thanksgiving… Again” comes an event that…

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How Thomas Kemper Brewing Helped Determine the Best Beer City in America

Does anyone remember Thomas Kemper Brewing? Apparently so. It just helped determine America’s “best beer city.” Yesterday released a list of The Best Cities…

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