Win Tickets To Hopscotch Beer & Scotch Festival



We are giving away a pair of tickets. All you need to do to enter the drawing for a pair of tickets to this weekend’s Hopscotch Spring Beer & Scotch Festival is leave a comment below and answer this question: What craft beer do you think best exemplifies life’s finer pleasures? Maybe it’s your favorite local beer. Maybe it’s the coveted Unobtainium Triple IPA from that really cool brewery in California. Or Maybe it’s that really expensive and rare Belgian beer you love so much. Whatever the case, leave a comment about the beer you think exemplifies the good life.

The event takes place this Friday and Saturday at Fremont Studios in Seattle (across the street from Brouwer’s Cafe). We’ll pick a winner at random on the morning of Thursday, April 17.

Our original post:
Those of us who enjoy craft beer are also prone to enjoying some of life’s other finer pleasures. Like fine whiskey, for example. The annual Hopscotch Spring Beer & Scotch Festival celebrates the good life, and we are happy to have them aboard again this year as a sponsor. Beer, scotch, cider, wine, mead and more. This is your last chance to save a few buck on early bird tickets. You have one more day to get the best price on tickets. Get tickets here.











More than 20 breweries will pour at Hopscotch this year, along with a handful of cider producers and mead producers. In addition, there will be special tastings of some of the finest scotch and whiskey available. Not to mention wine. This event is a sort of like a smorgasbord of goodness, allowing you to focus on whichever libation you choose. Or all of the libations.

Hopscotch Spring Beer & Scotch festival takes place at Fremont Studios in Seattle on April 18 & 19. Event details and tickets.








I have theory about beer festivals. It occurs to me that some beer festivals are more about the beer and less about the festival, while other beer festival are more about the festival and less about the beer. Some of the most serious BEER festivals consider atmosphere an afterthought. Think of Washington Cask Beer Festival, for example. Beer geeks are so excited about the beer that organizers could hold the festival in a bomb shelter. In fact, they practically do. Nobody complains because that event is purely about the beer.



In contrast, some beer FESTIVALS consider beer an afterthought. They focus on the ambiance, the music, the food and the social aspect (the party) more than they do the actual beer. As for that other kind of beer festival, where they fail to take the beer seriously, I can’t really speak to that: I stopped going to those festivals years ago. But I know they are still out there.

Hopscotch Spring Beer & Scotch Festival happily falls somewhere between those two poles. Hopscotch takes all aspects of the event seriously. It’s a fantastic venue: Fremont Studios. The beer lineup is solid. The booze lineup is outstanding. You will actually be able to hear the music and even understand the words (no under-powered tinny speakers). It’s a fun, party atmosphere with outstanding libations.











For you scotch and whiskey lovers, they offer flights, including a flight of Northwest whiskeys. There’s even a Scotch Workshop that allows you to delve deep into scotch appreciation and meet a real Scotch Master.

To get a better understanding of this event, read our report on Hopscotch 2011 here.

And remember, the time to get ticket is NOW. TODAY! SAVE!

For complete event details, visit the official website at


37 thoughts on “Win Tickets To Hopscotch Beer & Scotch Festival

  1. I have two answers. The first is Sam Adams Utopias. Because, well, utopia.

    The second is a bit more abstract and for me it’s a tie between Bud Light and PBR. Bud Light is the old standby for all of my sporting experiences. What was in my hand while in the stands at Super Bowl 48? Yup. Whereas PBR has become a seasonal favorite. Which season? Why camping season of course…

  2. Black Raven Wisdom Seeker Exemplifies life’s finer pleasures because its semi-rare and delicious. The finer things in life can’t be enjoyed everyday and that’s what makes them so exciting and worth the wait. (Just like this delicious hoppy local beer!)

  3. It’s a toss up between Elysian Split Shot and Airways Chocolate Stout, how can you go wrong with coffee or chocolate?

  4. One of my private faves is not a “beer beer”–I love taking people to Standard Brewing for a glass of Bees’ Wine, Justin’s version of ginger beer. My pregnant friends can hoist a glass, and the rest of us enjoy one of his crafted treats in a true neighborhood setting.

  5. Reuben’s Brews RyePA is one of my all time favorite beers! It is sharp, refined, complex and unexpected… Just like life should be. Plus, I’ve always had a great time drinking it over at Reuben’s… Some great memories from one of the first local craft beers I ever had!

  6. The beer that exemplifies life’s better treasures is the beer I haven’t tried yet. In life, part of the thrill is not knowing what today or tomorrow us going to bring. So to me every beer I haven’t tried yet is an adventure awaiting. When I do finally try that beer it remains as a memory.

  7. Even though I am more than happy to sit back and enjoy a great IPA (such as Ballast Point Sculpin IPA), if I really want to enjoy the finer things in life – it must be a Sour Beer (like Almanac Dogpatch Sour).

  8. Gotta be Fremont Bourbon Abominable. Low production, high price, and the release is anticipated all year long. And the beer is deliciously decadent. The best is pulling out a cellared version, like a properly aged wine, and appreciating the mellowed integration of all the flavors. Truly appreciating the finer things and drinking like a king (at least for one evening).

  9. I love love love Rochefort 8. Bombardier is another favorite, not quite craft but a damn fine British ale. Locally, I’m into Reuben’s Imperial Rye IPA. I could sit in that brewery, by the fermenters, and drink all weekend long!

  10. While widely available, you can’t go wrong with Manny’s. It’s great beer that I can have several of in one session and not get bored with it.

  11. Skookum Brewery’s Mammoth Jack. Sitting out in the sun in front of the brewery enjoying one of my favorite double IPAs!

  12. Without question it would have to be my friends homebrew, Half-Lion IPA. Like life itself it is a work in progress, some batches (or days) are better than others but at the end of the day it’s worth the ride.

  13. I adore the Wookey Jack Black IPA from Firestone Walker. I always liked darker beers and CDAs/Black IPAs were my gateway to the world of hops.

  14. Let’s go with Odin Brewing’s Eire Oak Aged Dry Irish Stout. It’s a beer with a lot going on, complex flavors, stands on its own, but it’s subtle enough that it won’t compete with food if that’s how you choose to enjoy it.

  15. Arrive in Brussels. First things first: the ritualized walk to the closest convenience store where a couple of euros or so buys a bottle of Rochefort 10. The drab hotel room in the dodgy quarter brightens immediately with the first sip. This is a very good life, indeed.

  16. To me the beer that exemplifies “life’s finer pleasures” would be something strong, rich, and complex that I can slowly sip as I marinate in contentment. I like the suggestions of B-bomb and Petite Mort for something local–absolutely beautiful beers–but I would have to say my all time favorite in this vein would have to be Firestone-Walker’s 16th Anniversary Ale.

  17. I’m going to go with Stone’s “Enjoy By.” Not only do I think it is one of the best IPA’s on the market right now (sorry WA beers, I love you to death, but credit where credit is due), but the name and packaging exemplify what craft beer is suppose to be all about and what makes it one of life’s finer pleasures, quality and freshness.

  18. Definitely The Abyss by Deschutes. Not only are they my favorite brewery, but they brew a variety of tasty brews. The Abyss is released every November and is difficult to get a hold of. When I have The Abyss in my glass, all is right with the world. The Abyss is complex. A very strong stout, and many layers to dissect in your mouth.

  19. No finer pleasure than a snifter of Fremont Brewing’s Bourbon Abominable on a cold, rainy northwest evening.

  20. For me, it has to be La Terroir by New Belgium Brewing. It blends the best of craft beer, sour beer and hops. It is a perfect combo of smooth sour and the bitterness of the hops. it is Love in a Bottle!

  21. For me, it’s gotta be Deschutes Fresh Squeezed IPA. There’s almost no occasion on which I wouldn’t drink it. They’ve distilled everything I love about hops into a drinkable bottle.

  22. Well, any gueze. But drunk at the source in Belgium. Now that’s a great and unfortunately rare (for me) pleasure.

  23. I love Twelve Bar Brew’s oak aged Supertonic India Black Ale. It’s a little creamy, has some hoppy undertones, and overall hits the spot on a rainy day.

  24. Locally, Black Raven Feral Saison. Outside of Washington (our neighbor next door), Cascade Brewing Raspberry Wheat.

  25. Right now, the beer that exemplifies life’s finer pleasures is Seizoen Bretta. I just discovered it and love it 🙂

  26. I enjoy a good sour, its something that doesn’t appeal to everyone but is more to be savored for special occasions rather than drank in large quantities.

  27. And we’re done. Thank you everyone but the tickets have now been awarded. Our winner, picked at random, was Justin Almeida.

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