Tag: sabmiller
DOJ approves Anheuser-Busch InBev acquisition of SABMiller
Kendall Jones July 20, 2016
We’ve been reporting for some time about Anheuser-Busch InBev’s plan to acquire SABMiller, the largest beer merger in history that could see one-third of…
Lawmakers urge the Department of Justice to review the biggest beer merger in history
Kendall Jones February 17, 2016
Last week in Washington, DC, key members of the House Small Brewers’ Caucus issued a letter urging the Department of Justice to comprehensively review the…
Craft Beer Industry Weighs-in on the AB-InBev SABMiller Merger
Kendall Jones November 11, 2015
The deal has been in the works for a long time, but today Anheuser-Busch InBev formalized a deal to acquire its SABMiller for $107 billion,…
Resistance is Futile: AB Inbev Will Assimilate SABMiller
Kendall Jones September 15, 2014
On Saturday, Heineken announced that it rejected an overture from London-based beer giant SABMiller. One of those merger-acquisition things you hear about on TV that…