Tag: parkway_tavern_tacoma
An Ode to the Intrinsic Value of Pants (and Beer)
Kendall Jones March 12, 2013
The Parkway Tavern asked me to remind you all that everyone needs pants. Men, women and kids of all shapes and ages, we all need…
Barleywine Festival at the Parkway Tavern
admin April 19, 2012
The Parkway Tavern’s annual Barleywine Festival happens next weekend. In addition to a lot of great Barleywine, this year’s two-day event features music and food….
Barleywine for breakfast? Sure.
admin April 1, 2010
Barleywine lovers, you need not despair. Sure, the 2010 versions of the Barleywine Bacchanal and the Hard Liver Festival are now history, but Tacoma’s Parkway…