Barleywine for breakfast? Sure.


Barleywine lovers, you need not despair. Sure, the 2010 versions of the Barleywine Bacchanal and the Hard Liver Festival are now history, but Tacoma’s Parkway Tavern has you covered. Coming up on April 24th and 25th, the Parkway Tavern celebrates the most bodacious of beers when they host the 5th Annual Parkway Barleywine Festival. This year the event will feature 34 barleywines.

What’s more, on Sunday, April 25th they will present a Barleywine Brunch, with selected barleywines paired with brunchable treats. Just think about that for a moment. Damned impressive, if you ask me. Tickets to the Barleywine Brunch will be extremely limited. They are expecting to have tickets available starting next week. They won’t last long. You should contact the bar for details. (253) 838-8748.

