Back in Black Stout Fest returns for Seattle Beer Week
The Back in Black Stout Fest at Brouwer’s Cafe returns for 2022. The event kicks off this Saturday, May 14th. It continues through the weekend. As usual, Brouwer’s Cafe has put together quite a draft list for the event. This event is an essential part of the larger Seattle Beer Week celebration that kicks off on Friday, May 13th
“As we all know, we are emerging from more than our recent rain-soaked winter here in the PNW,” said the announcement from Brouwer’s Cafe. “It’s been a long, hard journey, and we are more than ready to see the sun again! So, with Seattle Beer Week back in full regalia, we are excited to announce the return of our Back in Black Stout Fest.”
It all kicks off on Saturday at noon at Brouwer’s Cafe in Seatle’s Fremont neighborhood. Stout Fest is a celebration of dark, boozy beers, hearty food, and good friends. Brouwer’s Cafe has amassed quite a collection of stouts over the years and they invite you to take a trip down memory lane or get into something totally new.
Here’s the tap list for
- Alesmith, Jamaican Blue Mtn. Speedway Stout (12%) San Diego
- Black Raven, Great Grandfather ’20 (11.9%) Redmond
- Block 15, Super Nebula ’22 (13.25%) Corvalis
- Boneyard, Rum Barrel-Aged Suge Knight (15.3%) Bend
- Breakside/Fremont, Teamwork/Dreamwork Coconut DBL Stout (9.4%)
- Bros Cascadia/Fort George, Kali Ma Imp. Stout with Coffee (12%)
- Deschutes, Abyss ’16 (11.1%) Bend
- Dogfish Head, Bourbon Barrel-Aged Palo Santo ’19 (12%) Milton
- Engine House #9/Tiny Haus, Add It Up Dessert Stout (9.5%) Tacoma
- Epic, BBB Quintuple Barrel w/coffee, nuts, & coconut #4 (11.5%)
- Evil Twin, Imperial Wedding Cake Break ’19 (11.5%) Mt Pleasant
- Firestone Walker, Coconut Bourbon Parabola ’20 (12.2%) Paso Robles
- Fort George, Matrysoka w/coconut ’18 Bbl-Aged RIS (12.75%) Astoria
- Fremont, Coffee BBADS ’17 (13.1%) Seattle
- Goose Island, Bourbon County Brand Stout ’18 BA Imp. Stout (15.2%)
- Grand Teton, Whiskey BA Black Cauldron ’15 (9.5%) Victor
- Great Divide, S’mores Yeti Batch 230 ’18 (9.5%) Denver
- Hubbard’s Cave, Coffee & Cakes Imp Stout w/coffee & maple syrup (12%)
- Lagunitas, Willettized Bourbon Bbl-Aged Imp. Coffee Stout (12.9%)
- Lumberbeard, Always Finish What You Started BA Imp. Stout (13.7%)
- Matchless, Matchless Joy Barrel Aged Imp. Stout (11%) Tumwater
- Off Color, Coffee Dino S’mores (9.5%) Chicago
- Perennial, Abraxas Imp. Stout w/cacao, chiles, vanilla ‘18(10%)
- Prairie Ales, Christmas BOMB! Imp. Stout w/ Coffee & Chilis ’18 (13%)
- Propolis, OAT Oatmeal Stout w/dandelion, chicory & vanilla (6%)
- Reuben’s Brews, Stouter Limits (12.5%) Seattle
- Skookum, Solitary Confinement ’19 Bourbon Bbl-Aged Imp. Stout (11%)
- Urban Family, Stellar Mass Rye BA Stout w/ vanilla beans 9/21 (13.5%)
- Varietal, Grievous Angel BA Imperial Stout (11.7%) Sunnyside
- Wander, Earlybird Bbl-aged Imp. Breakfast Stout w/coffee ’17 (9.6%)
Check out the Washington Beer Blog’s events page for more beer-related events around Washington.