Seattle's Best Beer Bar – The Final Round


For the past couple of weeks, we have been conducting a poll asking you to vote for your “Favorite Seattle-area beer bar (not brew pub).” We now move into the final round which means you can all vote again. It also means that we narrowed the field to include only the top seven vote-getters. Going into the final round, West Seattle’s Beveridge Place Pub and Fremont’s Brouwer’s Café shared the lead, followed by the Latona Pub. All of that has been thrown out and now we start anew.
So go ahead and cast your ballot. The poll has been reset, so even if you voted in the first round you can vote again now. You have seven fine beer drinking establishments from which to choose.
We think that our initial list was a fair representation of what local beer enthusiasts would consider the best beer bars in the area. If your favorite watering hole didn’t make the list, we apologize. We had to draw the line somewhere. In the first round, we didn’t ignore the write-in votes or people’s comments. We appreciated every opinion, no matter how bizarre it might have been. Because this is the final round, we turned off the “Other” option.
About the write-in votes — Many of the write-in votes were understandable. Others were not. We listed the most worthy write-in votes below. Some people voted for brew pubs. The Naked City Taphouse and Brewery, the Jolly Roger Taproom, and the Black Raven are all brew pubs. This poll is about beer bars: a previous poll was about brew pubs (Jolly Roger won). What some people consider the Seattle-area also confused us.
We offer no apologies to the people who voted for places like, “The new Hooter’s in Boulevard Park” or “Red Robin in Overlake.” Your suggestions didn’t make the list and we wonder how you ever stumbled across our blog in the first place. Thanks for stopping by and we hope you learned something while you were here. Sorry if that sounded snobbish, but really.
Here is the complete list of bars included in the initial poll:
Barking Dog Alehouse
Beveridge Place Pub
Brouwer’s Café
Collins Pub
Coopers Alehouse
Dog and Pony
The Dray
Fiddler’s Inn
Hopvine Pub
Hudson Public House
The Latona
Malt and Vine
Porterhouse West Seattle
Pub at Pipers Creek
Stumbling Monk
Taphouse (Seattle)
Here are the write-in votes that are worthy of mention (and are not in Montana or California):
Buckley’s (lower Queen Anne)
The George and Dragon
Hill Top Alehouse
Kells Irish Pub
Wedgewood Alehouse
The Summit Pub
The Sundown Saloon


18 thoughts on “Seattle's Best Beer Bar – The Final Round

  1. “Some people voted for brew pubs. The Naked City Taphouse and Brewery, the Jolly Roger Taproom, and the Black Raven are all brew pubs. This poll is about beer bars: a previous poll was about brew pubs (Jolly Roger won). “

  2. “Some people voted for brew pubs. The Naked City Taphouse and Brewery, the Jolly Roger Taproom, and the Black Raven are all brew pubs. This poll is about beer bars: a previous poll was about brew pubs (Jolly Roger won). “

  3. Can we see the results of the first round, including other?
    Just curious, as none of the finalists are in my top 5. Bev. place makes every effort, for sure, so they’ll get my vote.

  4. Hey, I love Beveridge Place too, are they are truly right in WS, but lets not forget about the nearby local brewery, Big Al’s, rising from unknown to fame with their exclusive Tutta Bella Beer!!

  5. Even though Naked City is technically a brewpub, seems like they should be allowed in since they’ve never had more than one NC beer on at any time since they’ve opened. Maybe if they end up having 4-5 NC beers on at they’ll seem more like a brewpub, but for now with 20+ guest taps…they’re still a beer bar.

  6. Even though Naked City is technically a brewpub, seems like they should be allowed in since they’ve never had more than one NC beer on at any time since they’ve opened. Maybe if they end up having 4-5 NC beers on at they’ll seem more like a brewpub, but for now with 20+ guest taps…they’re still a beer bar.

  7. The real question is to food or not to food… If food is part of the judging criteria, then Brouwer’s or Collins Pub are the two in contention (I choose Brouwer’s). If food is not important, then you’ve gotta go Bev. Place, Uber, or Dray (I choose Bev. Place… but going to W. Seattle sux) — so more likely to actually GO to the Dray.
    Yep. I’m right — and you know it. 🙂
    And BTW — there is no way that the Jolly Roger Taproom can compare to Black Raven in beer quality… Black Raven pwns. The food at Jolly Roger is delicious and affordable, however.

  8. The real question is to food or not to food… If food is part of the judging criteria, then Brouwer’s or Collins Pub are the two in contention (I choose Brouwer’s). If food is not important, then you’ve gotta go Bev. Place, Uber, or Dray (I choose Bev. Place… but going to W. Seattle sux) — so more likely to actually GO to the Dray.
    Yep. I’m right — and you know it. 🙂
    And BTW — there is no way that the Jolly Roger Taproom can compare to Black Raven in beer quality… Black Raven pwns. The food at Jolly Roger is delicious and affordable, however.

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