Stone Double Bastard – We all know about Stone Arogant Bastard, right? Well, if you like that beer, then you’ll go ga-ga over the Double Bastard. Don’t ask to be pinched, you’re not dreaming. But when you taste this lacerative mutha of a beer, you’ll be knocked into dreamland! This malt and hop monster is not for the timid however, so beware.
Cascade Mouton Rouge – It is not too often that we see beer from the Cascade Brewery (Racoon Lodge) on tap around these parts. The Mouton Rouge is a Flanders Red. High School French class flashback… mouton is sheep and rouge is red. Red Sheep. And then we’re told that Cascade Mouton Rouge is a sour brown ale. Makes sense to me. It’s a Belgian-style sour beer from a rather small and little-known brewery in Portland. Truth be told, that’s really all we know at this point. Not run of the mill stuff.
When the weather outside gets frightful, strong beers are always more delightful. Stop by on this blustery, cold weekend and sample something rare at the Bev. Tell ’em the blog sent you.