If you can get there safely in this winter blast, the folks up at Naked City have some great beer waiting for you. Below is a list of what’s on tap right now. And this is just a partial list. Slide on in for a beer or two. Tell ’em the blog sent you.
Roots Woody IPA – IPA
Redhook Double Black Stout – Stout
Boundary Bay Dry Hopped Amber – Amber Ale
Pike Entire – Stout (read our post about it)
Roslyn Brookside Lager – Pilsner
Port Townsend Nitro Scotch Ale – Scottish Ale
Trumer Pils – Pilsner
Boulder Hazed and Infused
Chuckanut Organic Strong Ale – Strong Ale
Rogue Quad Frog – Belgian Quadrupel