1:00 p.m.
From the Washington Brewers Guild Facebook page: “It’s official folks! Beer tax is amended out of the revenue bill! Thanks for your work. The fight is not over, let’s make sure it stays out!”
1:20 p.m.
And here is the press release.
Statement from Heather McClung, President, Washington Brewers Guild, on House Finance Committee Passage of House Bill 2038
“We thank Chairman Reuven Carlyle and the members of the House Finance Committee for listening to our concerns and protecting Washington craft beer. The proposal to double the tax rate on craft beer would have caused great harm to our industry and our customers. We are grateful to the committee for standing up for Washington jobs, Washington businesses, and Washington beer, and we look forward to final passage of the House revenue package, that allows the tax on beer to expire.”
Original Post:
10:29 a.m.
We might be making some progress. The Washington Brewers Guild reports on its Facebook page this morning: “It appears that the beer tax is out of the revised version of House Bill 2038.” That might sound good, but really it a call to action! We’re a long way from being out of the woods. Click here to see all of our stories on the beer tax issue.
If the new is true, this is good news. For now. Don’t let up! In Olympia, a lot happens behind closed doors. I urge you to reach out to your legislators TODAY. The link is below. Let them know that if this development is true, you are happy and want and extended or expanded beer tax to stay out of this and any other legislation.
The State’s website makes it easy for you to find and contact your legislators. Once you’ve determined your district, click Email to send an email to any of your three legislators. You’ll be presented with a form. Fill it out. Select “Send a copy of this message to my other legislators” and you will email all three of your two representatives and your one senator simultaneously.
Click here to find your district and contact your legislators: http://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/
Here is the message I sent this morning. Copy and paste if you like.
This morning I was happy to learn from the Washington Brewers Guild that, “It appears the beer tax is out of the revised version of House Bill 2038.” I am asking that you please keep it that way.
If correct, this is good news for our Washington breweries, which have grown and produced jobs during these woeful economic times, all the while paying already-exorbitant state excise taxes. Please allow them to continue growing and creating jobs. Extending and expanding the tax promises to stymie their growth and in many ways threatens the overall health of this vibrant, growth industry.
Please keep the beer tax off the table! Keep the path clear and allow the industry to continue growing and continue producing valuable manufacturing jobs in Washington.
Thank you for taking the time to fully understand this important issue.