Tag: washington_beer_tax

Beer industry acts preemptively to avoid new beer taxes

  The beer industry is getting ahead of the game, urging policymakers in Olympia to avoid increasing taxes on beer during the upcoming legislative session….

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Washington Beer Alliance descending upon Olympia today

Today is day 15 of the 2015 regular session of the Washington State Legislature. It is also the Washington Beer Alliance’s hill climb day. Members…

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Are We Making Progress on the Beer Tax Issue?

UPDATES 1:00 p.m. From the Washington Brewers Guild Facebook page: “It’s official folks! Beer tax is amended out of the revenue bill! Thanks for your…

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Defend Washington Beer Rally – Videos and Thoughts

Last Friday (April 19) brewery workers and beer lovers converged on the steps of the capitol building in Olympia to demonstrate their opposition to the…

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Washington Brewers Speak Out

See a list of our previous posts on this topic (beer tax). Last Friday before the big Defend Washington Beer Rally in Olympia, a few…

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Thoughts Leading Into Friday’s Rally – from Dick Cantwell

Just received this from Dick Cantwell, Head Brewer and Founder at Elysian Brewing. I won’t try to summarize his points. They deserve to be heard…

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Joint Statement Opposing Beer Tax

This just came across the wire. The Washington Brewers Guild, the Beer Institute, and the End the Beer Tax Now Coalition have released a joint…

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Georgetown Brewing Speaks out about Beer Tax

To see a list of all of our stories on the beer tax issue, click here. Georgetown Brewing Company has released a statement about the…

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Press Release – Defend Washington Beer

Below is the official press release for this Friday’s Defend Washington Beer rally in Olympia. Please share it as you can. Let’s help get the…

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