7:00 – The crowd is hanging in there. Although the weather wasn’t perfect, the event today was a big success. We did not see any rain – not a drop – and the sun even threatened to come out a couple of times.
Currently, the Buzz Cart beer is the Rosemary’s Baby from Elysian. Me, I’m sippin’ on a Demolition Ale from Elliott Bay Brewing. Although I was judicious in my samplings today, I can report that some of my favorites included the Shticky Blonde Ale from 192 Brewing, the Seamstress Union Raspberry Wheat from Schooner Exact, and the aforementioned bourbon-barrel aged Broadsword Scotch from Anacortes.
We are getting ready to sign off for the night. Our location just south of the beer can tossing game has become increasingly dangerous as the day has worn on — all good fun and the increasing riskiness is not at all unanticipated. Incoming!
If you make it out to the festival tomorrow –and you should– stop by and say hello. We’ll have pretzels and bottled water for your nourishment needs. We’ll also continue our putt-putt golf challenge, giving you a chance to win a pair of tickets to a year’s worth of beer festivals.
Read the complete post for photos and more…
3:01 – About to have our first sample of the day. We’ve heard great things about Odin’s Imperial Sour Stout. Perhaps that’s where we’ll start. The sun is threatening to come out. Lots of people here, but still plenty of elbow room. Lots of people coming by to play our putting game.
BTW – Our Putting Green is free. Sink the put, we enter you in the drawing. The winner of the drawing wins a pair of tickets to all of the beer festivals–all of the Washington Beer Commission beer festivals for the next calendar year.
Look for our tokens. Some of the tokens you are using today say WA Beer Blog. Just sayin’
2:00 – The Buzz Cart beer going on tap right now is Elliott Bay Brewing’s Brett Beer. The cart is near the yellow tent. Just tried a sip. It is very, very Brett, for sure.
The rain has stayed away. Sadly, so has the sun, but the crowd is still enthusiastic. The band is rockin, the beer is flowing, and the lines for beer are managable. Well, except for Black Raven, where the line is massive. The new guys, like Foggy Noggin and 192 Brewing, are getting some attention but the lines are reasonable.
We anxiously await the Brewers Keg Toss, which should be starting in about an hour.
It’s not too late for you to come to the festival. When you do, find us and say hello.