Hopvine Pub, located on the eastern fringe of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood, is preparing to celebrate its 20th anniversary with a week-long party. From Monday, September 28th through Saturday, October 3rd the pub will host a series of events, each involving a beloved local brewery.
They’ve scheduled a series of special event to commemorate the occasion: the Hopvine 20th Anniversary Week, with anniversary beers brewed specially for the Hopvine as well as specially cellared beers that they guarantee will blow your mind. The events are listed below.
Also to commemorate the occasion, they brewed a special anniversary beer: Hoparillo fresh-hopped Red IPA. Hopvine Pub teamed up with Two Beers Brewing to create a hop-focused ale. The 20th Anniversary Hopvine Ale is a wet hop red IPA brewed with Cascade, Centennial, Simcoe, and Amarillo hops.
Located on 15th Avenue East, Hopvine is recognized for serving the best in craft beer combined with comforting food in a relaxed pub setting that welcomes its neighbors. According to publican Bob Brenlin, “The focus is on the best in craft beer and we take pride in working with many of our brewer friends to showcase their products in the best possible way.”
“We only have 12 taps ensuring quick pour-through and constant freshness. A short draw from keg to tap and weekly tap and line cleaning also make for the best beer experience.”
“Over the years we have introduced many new beers to our friends on 15th East, and before it was common. Our beer list for 20 years has been hop-forward, adventuresome and always fresh. We have encouraged our customers to meet the brewers behind the beers and have introduced amazing beers and the people that make them in our Brewer Night series.”
Along with the beer, Hopvine has become known for its chef-inspired soups and comfort food. Chef Congdon has been creating food to deliciously pair with craft beer in an incredibly small kitchen that magically does not limit creativity.
“We wouldn’t be the pub we are without the amazing people who bring the beer and food to life at the Hopvine,” says Bob. “The Hopvine has an amazing crew. They are beer- and world-knowledgeable and deliver the ultimate pub experience.”
Monday September 28th 6pm – Naked City Cask Night .
The Hopvine is known for their Monday cask night. This anniversary cask night is even more special with casks from Naked City Brewing. A collaboration cask with Flying Bike Cooperative and a special cask from Bigtime. The beer will be fantastic.
Tuesday September 29th 7pm – Two Beers Brewing
Hopvine Anniversary Beer Release & Beer Bingo.Join us as we release Hoparillo, the beer that Two Beers Brewing made for the Hopvine. Special bingo from the bingo masters and something special from the kitchen.
Wednesday September 30th 8pm – Anniversary Open Mic Sponsored by Black Raven
We celebrate one of the Oldest Open Mics in the city. Some of our all-star players will perform and Black Raven will bring something special for the night. We will release our own Zach’s beer as well.
Thursday October 1st 7pm – Stoup Brewing Hopvine Beer Release.
Foggy Noggin Beer Release. Two of our favorite brewers release beers for the Hopvine. An amazing IPA from Stoup. Foggy Noggin releases their all Washington ingredient Beer.
Friday October 2nd 9pm – Anacortes Karaoke
We bring our ever popular Halloween Karaoke to our anniversary week. One of our oldest Brewer friends sponsors the event with special beer.
Saturday October 3rd 8pm – Anniversary Week Finale with Schooner Exact Brewing and the Lonely Mountain Lovers Band.
We conclude our week with a barbecue and live music. Schooner Exact will provide beer. Ribs on the Barbecue and acoustic music on stage.