El Gaucho, the renowned Seattle-area eatery, wanted to do something special so they teamed up with Boundary Bay Brewing. Here’s what they came up with: a whiskey barrel Baltic Porter. Here’s the story straight from El Gaucho’s blog:
The El Gaucho team is always looking for a superb product at a great value for our guests, so when the opportunity arose for us to make our own beer, we jumped at the chance. Creating something unusual that would pair well with steak, as well as going local were the first priorities, and the team decided to work with Boundary Bay Brewery in Bellingham, WA. “They make great beer, they are local, and they are nice to work with,” Lonnie Anderson, El Gaucho Bellevue’s bar manager, sums up.
After discussing options with Boundary Bay, our team decided to go a step further and utilize an empty Four Roses Whiskey barrel to age a Baltic Porter. Barrel aged beer is definitely a craft, and not as common as it once was. These days, brewing equipment made of metal is commonplace – from efficient copper kettles to stainless steel fermenters, sanitation, consistency, and controlled processes are key. But for thousands of years, beers were not only aged in wood but brewed, fermented, and transported in wood, too. A barrel aged beer has typically a fuller flavor, aged with the intention of imparting the unique character of the wood as well as what has previously been in the barrel. In our case, The El Gaucho private Four Roses barrel will help impart spice to the palate, especially with the rye mash. The seasoned oak will add a nice dimension to the beer.
Baltic Porter is a typically sweet, robust, full-bodied porter that originated in the Baltic States in the 18thcentury. It’s a cross between English Porters with a Russian Stout influence. Our porter’s flavors are a nice balance of chocolate, charred oak, cinnamon and brown sugar. The long aging time in the Four Roses barrel will also bring out spicy vanilla and caramel. Its malty roasted flavor is a perfect combination for grilled steak.
El Gaucho Bellevue, Tacoma, Seattle and AQUA by El Gaucho will carry the Four Roses Baltic Porter on a rotating tap starting in October. Don’t miss your chance to try this unique brew – with only one barrel made this won’t last long.
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