I think of it as the elephant in the room. It’s a huge issue that nobody wants to discuss: draught line quality. I’m a bit of a zealot, but I think serving good beer through bad, dirty beer lines should be a crime. The Washington Brewers Guild agrees with me. Along with the Washington Beer Commission, Elysian Brewing, and New Belgium Brewing, they’ve teamed up to present a Draught Beer Quality Workshop. The event takes place on Monday, October 28 at Elysian Brewing on Capitol Hill. There are two sessions, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.
Who should attend? Restaurant and bar owners, bartenders and bar staff, beer servers, brewers, draught line technicians and cleaners. The event is free but attendance is limited. Email David Glor to reserve your spot.
This event is for beer pros, not for wannabes. It’s important information that needs to be shared with the right people.
There’s a lot to learn. Among the topics covered will be what to expect from your line cleaner, how to monitor your line cleaning service, beer line cleaning standards, taste testing, and draught system equipment and gasses.
Click here for more information.