Attention Washington beer lovers! Mark your calendar for June 19th (Father’s Day Weekend)
UPDATE June 2nd
The official release is Father’s Day weekend when many local brewers and beer fans would normally celebrate the Washington Brewers Festival, which has been postponed this year. Final plans are still coming together for the Multiplayer Guild Collab IPA project, but mark your calendars (weekend of June 19-20).
In addition to the official beer release, several local breweries will host release events. This might even include breweries and other locations beyond what is listed below. We will keep you informed here and on social media.
Original Post
For years, Father’s Day Weekend meant one thing for Washington beer lovers: the Washington Brewers Festival at Marymoor Park in Redmond. Well, that event isn’t happening this year, but the Washington Brewers Guild invites you to help them celebrate the state’s brewing community in a slightly different way.
This year, on Father’s Day Weekend, dozen of breweries across the state will release Multiplayer Guild Collab IPA (the list of breweries is below). We introduced the plan in a post last month. Proceeds from this beer benefit the Washington Brewers Guild.
The beer commemorates a rough year and, more specifically, celebrates the spirit of community and comradery that helped everyone get through it.
Each of the participating breweries received a base recipe upon which they could build their own version of the beer. Crosby Hops, which initiated the idea and the excitement, generously donated 1,100 lbs of hops — 22 lbs of hops to each brewery.
The label artwork and associated graphics were created by Blind Tiger Design. Other guild associate members donated or discounted services, supplies, and assistance.
“Washington breweries set off on an adventure of trials and challenges that threaten a once vibrant and thriving local industry and unite to keep their communities healthy, while shielding fellow breweries from the jaws of defeat,” says a statement from the Guild.
“In the spirit of the WA brewing community, brewers from across the state come together to produce Multiplayer Guild Collab, an IPA benefiting the WA Brewers Guild. This IPA is a reflection of a connected and collaborative industry, working together to brew another day and pour another pint.”
The release date is June 19th (Father’s Day Weekend). Check participating breweries’ websites and social media for specific details on their take on this IPA and for their Collab specials.
This is a great way for the brewery community to celebrate the craft beer industry in our beautiful state, and support the WA Brewers Guild!
Participating Breweries:
- 192 Brewing Company (Collab: Black Raven Brewing, Valley House Brewing, & SAAL Brewing Company)
- Acorn Brewing
- Anacortes Brewery
- Beardslee Public House
- Best of Hands Barrelhouse
- Bickersons Brewhouse
- Brewing Savage Company
- Burke-Gilman Brewing Company (Collab with Steam Donkey Brewing)
- Cairn Brewing
- Counterbalance Brewing Company
- Crucible Brewing
- Diamond Knot Brewing Co.
- Dru Bru
- Explorer Brewing Company
- Figurehead Brewing Company
- Flying Lion Brewing
- Four Horsemen Brewing
- Fremont Brewing (Collab with Pint Size Brewing)
- Ghostfish Brewing Company
- Hale’s Ales Brewery
- Haywire Brewing Co
- Humble Abode Brewing (Collab with The Hidden Mother Brewery)
- Icicle Brewing Company
- Iron Goat Brewing
- Kulshan Brewing (Collab with Stemma Brewing)
- Loowit Brewing Company (Collab with Trap Door Brewing)
- Lucky Envelope Brewing
- Moonshot Brewing
- Northern Ales (Collab with Republic Brewing & Quartzite Brewing)
- North Fork Brewery
- Peddler Brewing Company
- Postdoc Brewing
- Resonate Brewery
- Reuben’s Brews
- Slaughter County Brewing
- Silver City Brewery
- SnoTown Brewery
- Sound to Summit Brewing
- Steam Donkey Brewing (Collab with Burke-Gilman Brewing Company)
- Stemma Brewing Co. (Collab with Kulshan Brewing)
- Stoup Brewing
- The Hidden Mother Brewery (Collab with Humble Abode Brewing)
- The Good Society Brewery
- Top Rung Brewing Company
- Two Beers Brewing
- Trap Door Brewing (Collab with Loowit Brewing)
- Well 80 Brewing Company