American Brewing Co. announces it is closing for good


Yesterday, American Brewing Company announced via social media that it was closing down. Not just a temporary COVID-related shutdown, but shutting down with “if we’re lucky… a chance to come back at some time in the future.” (Photo from Facebook.)

American Brewing opened in Edmonds, WA back in 2011. Over the years there have been all sorts of changes and the company’s life-course has not been typical. For instance, American Brewing went public in 2014. Public, as in, common shares were available on the Over-The-Counter Bulletin Board (OTCBB).

Shortly thereafter, American Brewing acquired a company that produced organic sparkling kombucha drinks. I always suspected that there was way more to that part of the story, but details were never disclosed to me on the record. I am not sure what happened next between the beer-making company and the kombucha-making company.

In 2015 American Brewing (the beer-making company) was acquired by Pacific Brewing and Malting Company of Tacoma, a smaller company that, I think, was backed by the same investors as the original investors in American Brewing. You can read about that development here. Then, in 2019, Pacific Brewing and Malting closed its Tacoma location but remained in business, moving to its “other facility” in Edmonds. Now American Brewing is closing.


Compared to many other breweries around here, it’s been an uncommon course, one that was a bit difficult to track. I wish everyone well and am sorry to see one of our breweries close down, Most importantly, I sympathize with any employees losing their jobs.

Here’s is the announcement I found on Facebook:


“It is with a very heavy heart that we are making this post. We are very sorry to say we have to close American Brewing Company’s doors! Saturday, November 21, 2020 will be our last day of business (barring a shut down from the government)!”

“COVID has [really] affected our business & it is no longer sustainable. We want to thank all of our customers for the great experiences that we had together over the past 10 years. We built a great brand and maybe, if we’re lucky, we’ll get the chance to come back at some time in the future. For now, a cheers to everyone and a very heartfelt thank you for being a part of our journey! “


“All our love – The American Brewing Company Staff Brent, Brooke & Karl*Brent will be on site Thursday, Friday and Saturday to see everyone as well as being available to answer questions anyone may have.”

