Snohomish County’s 5 Rights Brewing Company was recently named Small Brewery of the Year at the Washington Beer Awards (see our post). This honor comes on the eve of the company’s 2nd anniversary, so they’re having a party to celebrate both on Sunday, July 2nd in Snohomish.
5 Rights Brewing is currently in the process of opening its new brewery and tap room in Lake Stevens, so they’re actually throwing the anniversary/victory party at Sound to Summit Brewing in Snohomish. Don’t be confused: it’s 5 Rights’ party, but it’s happening at Sound to Summit.
5 Rights Brewing Company 2nd Anniversary and Small Brewery of the Year Celebration
Date and Time: Sunday, July 2nd 2-7PM
Sound to Summit Brewing
1830 Bickford Ave #111
Snohomish, WA 98290
Description: To celebrate our 2nd anniversary and recent Small Brewery of the Year honors at the Washington Beer Awards we are having a Tap Takeover Anniversary Celebration at Sound to Summit Brewing in Snohomish. To help us celebrate all our our wonderful 5 Rights family we will be bringing 11 of your favorite RIGHT beers including our Gold medal winners Nellie’s Nectar Bavarian-Style Hefeweizen and Yaki-Vegas Saison, our Bakuhatsu and Juice Groove IPA’s as well as some brewed especially for the celebration. We will also take the occasion to unveil the details of our Primary Care Patrons Program (our Mug Club) and begin sign-ups as well as give updates on the new brewery and taproom in Lake Stevens. Add some great food, friends, new brewery and taproom updates and SWAG giveaways and you have an event you won’t want to miss.
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