
Seriously, if you’re going to the Washington Brewers Festival this Fathers Day weekend (and you should), you really need to read this and heed the advice.

The 2009 Washington Brewer’s Festival will be held June 19-21 at St. Edward State Park in Kenmore. Sometimes referred to as “the mother of all Fathers Day beer festivals,” this event is definitely the big daddy. What we’re talking about is approximately 50-something breweries pouring a couple hundred different beers. Most of the breweries are right here in Washington, though there are some out-of-state participants. If you love good beer, your attendance at this event is mandatory.

Parking! Transportation!

Parking is the big news this year. Currently there is construction going on at the park. As a result, parking is limited. On Saturday and Sunday, on-site parking is by permit only. Permits must be purchased in advance for $15. The parking fee will be donated to St. Edward State Park. The Washington Beer Commission has arrange shuttle buses from local park-and-rides. You can park at one of the P&Rs for free and catch a shuttle to the event. We strongly encourage you to take advantage of the free shuttle. On-site parking is free on Friday (no permit required).

The Washington Beer Commission has spelled out the entire parking and transportation plan very well on their Web site. We strongly suggest that you visit the site and make your transportation plans according to their advice. http://www.washingtonbeer.com/directionswabf.htm











Festival Web Site – http://www.washingtonbeer.com/wabf.htm

About St Edward State Park









5 thoughts on “Washington Brewers Fest – PARKING, TRANSPORTATION NEWS

  1. Why is this event — focused on drinking alcoholic beverages — still held out in the boonies where there is little to no public transportation? The park is pretty, but Seattle Center is a much more appropriate location for a large beer festival.

  2. There is no denying that your point about the availability of public transportation is a very good one. When planning these events, the WA Beer Commission has many things to consider. No doubt, there are a lot of factors to which we are not privy.

    I know that the organizers value your opinion and this is a good place for you to voice it. They are listening.

  3. Phil,
    I understand myself not to be final word on this but I can offer some insight partially into their influence for this venue.

    St. Edward’s unlike Seattle Center is a state park and therefore does not have to abide by the same restrictions that are placed within Seattle’s City limits regarding alcohol and minors.

    When the Brewer’s Commission took over the festival (from Bold Hat) it was held at the Center because of the lease that was left on the location. It was a bit of an oxymoron to encourage men (and women) to come to a beer festival with their children, only to leave them behind the fence since the venue was 21 and over only. As soon as the lease was up they made the decision to return to St. Edward’s so that they could preserve the mission statement of allowing fathers (and of course non parents alike) to have a beer in the company of their children.

    I know from personal experience I once considered a BBQ at the park but was asked to get a license and wasn’t allowed any alochol during the event, which was a bummer for me, so I skipped it

    St. Edward’s however bass-ackwards the decision might be has always allowed for children and parents to wander the grounds and the festival with their children in tow. The parking situation might suck, the concept of limited locations of “free” hydration seems draconian, but this currently the best that there is for allowing dad to have a cold one with his son / daughter.

    I know I am no expert but even as far back as the Herbfarm days, there was no children allowed to walk alongside their folks inside the fenece where the beer was served.

    Hope this shed’s some light on things and if I have somehow spoke out of turn, hopefully with a much richer understanding can correct me.

  4. Along the lines of Fruit Tree’s reasoning, we were wondering why not Sammamish State Park? Tons of parking, generally easier to get to, and much better access via public transportation.

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