Tag: wingman_brewers
Wingman Brewers present Porterpalooza on January 13
Porterpalooza is the annual celebration of porter at Wingman Brewers in Tacoma. The event Saturday, January 13th features at least 13 versions of the brewery’s…
Wingman Brewers bid you a Merry Dankmas – IPA event on Dec. 16th
Wingman Brewers in Tacoma invites you to join them on Saturday, December 16th for Merry Dankmas, a celebration of IPAs. The event features a…
Wingman Brewers presents Denizens of the Dark, November 11 & 12
On November 11th and 12th Wingman Brewers in Tacoma hosts the annual Denizens of the Dark, a celebration of dark beers that ushers in…
Wingman Brewers expands operating hours and introduces S’mores Porter
Wingman Brewers in Tacoma recently expanded its operating hours. The taproom is now open six days a week, Tuesday thru Sunday. (Tuesday thru Thursday…
Wingman Brewers, coconuts, and the Protestant Reformation
A couple of interesting, noteworthy pieces of news from Tacoma’s Wingman Brewers. First up, Wingman recently bottled Coconut Porter for 2017, an always popular, limited-release version…
Wingman Brewing 6th Anniversary Party, April 22nd
Wingman Brewers celebrates it 6th Anniversary on April 22nd at the brewery’s taproom in Tacoma. Along with all the great Wingman beers you’d expect,…
Wingman Brewers invites you to Porterpalooza 2017
Tacoma’s Wingman Brewers invites you to join them on Saturday, January 14th for Porterpalooza 2017. The annual event celebrates one of the oldest styles of ale…
Last Call Comedy Showcase this Saturday at Wingman Brewers
– by Casey McLain – Wingman Brewers in Tacoma, Washington is hosting the Last Call Comedy Showcase this Saturday, October 22nd. The show is a…
Beer Fest of Destiny celebrates Tacoma’s vibrant brewing scene
The Beer Fest of Destiny is a local-themed festival featuring beers and more from Tacoma-area producers (listed below). For the unaware, Tacoma is known as…