Tag: homebrewing
AHA presents Learn to Homebrew Day this Saturday, November 4th
The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) announces the 25th Learn to Homebrew Day. The date is set for November 4, 2023.
PicoBrew UnPak’d invites users to fully apply their creativity
The PicoBrew appliances offer a sleek, innovative, simplified way for people to brew their own beer at home. However, using the pre-packaged ingredients and pre-programmed…
Reuben’s Brews in search of the next great home brewer
Reuben’s Brews just announced its 3rd annual Hop Idol Homebrew Contest. Entries are now being accepted. The winning brewer will get to brew their…
This Saturday, November 3rd is Learn to Homebrew Day
Every year the American Homebewers Association invites you to learn to homebrew on Learn to Homebrew Day. This year’s event is on Saturday, November…
Portland hosting 40th Annual National Homebrewers Conference June 28 – 30
This June homebrewers from across the country descend upon Portland, Oregon for the 40th Annual National Homebrewers Conference, which is now known as Homebrew…
New study reveals the economic impact of homebrewing
These days, nobody is surprised to hear about the tremendous impact the craft brewing industry has on the U.S. economy, but less people are aware…
Inaugural Pacific NW Homebrewers Conference, March 4th and 5th
The inaugural Pacific Northwest Homebrewers Conference takes place on Friday, March 4th and Saturday, March 5th in Vancouver, WA. Registration is now open. The event…
November 2nd is the 14th Annual Learn to Homebrew Day
The American Homebrewers Association (AHA) encourages everyone to learn to brew. November 2nd is the 14th Annual Learn To Homebrew Day. All you need to…
Seattle’s Latest Innovation? PicoBrew
Seattle is a city of innovators. Microsoft, Amazon, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Seattle is also a city with over 40 craft breweries. And now,…