Tag: beer_news
Boston Beer Company Takes Over the Coney Island Beer Brand
We just learned via Brewbound.com that Alchemy & Science, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Boston Beer Company, has acquired all rights to the Coney Island craft…
Crowdfunding Craft Beer – A New Spin on a New Idea
Back in the olden days—say, three or four years ago—we used to call this kind of thing microfinance. While that word is rather impressive and…
Alabama is Threatening to Legalize Homebrewing
It may be remembered as the most influential of Jimmy Carter’s actions as President. Seriously. The 55 MPH national speed limit is history, rendering that…
Airways Brewing Begins Shipping Beer Coast-to-Coast & Many Points In Between
Sometimes I feel like our local breweries are disrespected on the national beer scene. Like Washington beer doesn’t get the credit it deserves, damn it….
Beer-Related Kickstarter Projects Address Life’s Enduring Questions
In the past I’ve done stories about young breweries, or would-be breweries, using Kickstarter to help get their businesses off the ground. The topic spurred…
Mississippi Passes Bill to Legalize Homebrewing
Today the American Homebrewers Association happily announced that the state of Mississippi has legalized homebrewing. A bill passed by the Mississippi Senate in February was…