Seattle’s Epic Ales is closing Gastropod


This just in from the Twitterverse. Cody Morris, owner and brewer at Seattle’s Epic Ales, tweeted the news this morning. They’re closing Gastropod (on 1st Avenue in SoDo) to focus on Mollusk, the new, forthcoming brewery and restaurant in South Lake Union. I should note that Epic Ales is closing the Gastropod at the top of their game. They are still listed on the Seattle Eater Essential 38. It must have been a difficult decision.

Below, I share the string of tweets that Cody sent out this morning. More details as they become available, and if they matter.



This morning on Twitter
Cody Morris @epicales:

It’s always difficult to determine the best way to write out a multi-tweet due to the chronological formatting. My apologies in advance.


Over the last week Travis and I had to make one of the hardest decisions we’ve ever had to. We are shutting down Gastropod and Epic Ales.

With Mollusk on line to open in mid-to-late October, we realized if we split our focus we couldn’t perform at the level we want.


Our last day will be Friday, September 11th. It’s been a wonderful experience and we hope this’ll give folks a chance to say goodbye.




