The Results – Seattle's Best Brew Pub


The results are in. We asked you to vote for your favorite Seattle brew pub and here is what we learned. By a sizable margin, Maritime Pacific (Jolly Roger) came in first place, collecting 49% of the vote. Elysian Capitol Hill came in second place with 23%. Beyond that, it was really close between the remaining brew pubs. (See the graph below.)
Beer is subjective, so this poll doesn’t really determine a champion. It’s all opinion. The best brew pub in the world is the one you like. For me, it’s the one closest to home. Thank heavens they have good beer.
It’s all about rallying the troops. We wouldn’t be telling you the whole story if we didn’t mention that and a couple other neighborhood blogs picked up the story and drove a lot of voters to the poll. Perhaps the Ballard folks were more likely to vote because the Jolly Roger recently closed down and is moving to a new location. Maybe the locals wanted to show their support for the venerable Ballard watering hole. (Maritime Pacific plans to open a new Jolly Roger in mid October and we’re happy they’re getting some love here on the blog.)
Before the story got picked up by neighborhood blogs, Elysian Capitol Hill and Maritime Pacific  were in a virtual dead heat, with Big Time trailing by a little bit.


3 thoughts on “The Results – Seattle's Best Brew Pub

  1. I should add that the “Others” included:
    Pyramid “across from Safeco Field” (much debate over whether they still produce beer there at all).
    The Beveridge Place (not a brew pub)
    Collins Pub (not a brew pub)
    The Fish Bowl pub (in Olympia)
    Gilligan’s (formerly a brewery but never a pub)
    The Rock Bottom in Bellevue (obviously not in Seattle)
    and so on.

  2. I would like to put in a strong recommendation for Black Raven Brewing in Redmond (just down the valley from Red Hook).

  3. Black Raven is a great place. We’ll do another pole of brew pubs that are not “in Seattle” but “around Seattle” and Black Raven will surely be on that list.

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