A while back, Pyramid Breweries announced that it would reopen the brewery in Seattle. We now have confirmation that it is actually happening.
Some people don’t know it, but Pyramid has not brewed beer in Seattle for a few years now. If you visit the Pyramid Alehouse on First Avenue in Seattle, you’ll see a beautiful brewery behind glass. It has not brewed beer for years. It’s kind of sad, really.
At some point in recent months, Pyramid woke up and realized that it had lost some of its mojo. In part because it had lost touch with its Seattle roots. Sure, the corporate headquarters is in Seattle, but if you don’t brew beer here, it is very hard for the local beer community to embrace you as one of its own.
Pyramid recently hired Kim Brusco, a well-known Seattle area brewer, to reopen the Seattle brewery and get it brewing again. In making the move to Pyramid, he leaves his position at Redhook where he acted as the head brewer. Kim tells us that there is no ill will and that he has nothing against Redhook, he was just ready for a life change. In the coming weeks we hope to have more information about when and what Kim will actually be brewing.
To replace Kim, Redhook recently hired Jennifer Talley, the award-winning brewer from Squatter’s Pub Brewery in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The Washington Beer Blog would like to welcome Jennifer to the local beer scene. Also, we are very happy to know that Pyramid will once again be a real Washington brewery and that they’ve brought in a real local brewer to make it happen.