Poll Results: What's your favorite beer fest?


Since December 6th we’ve been running a poll asking, “What is your favorite Seattle-area beer festival?” The results are in. It’s a virtual tie between three events – the largest, the newest, and the geekiest.
cask_festPerhaps we should just call this one a draw. With nearly 600 people voting (we expected more), the Washington Cask Beer Festival narrowly escaped with a victory, getting 29% of the votes.  The runner-ups were the Washington Brewers Festival (27%) and the Tacoma Craft Beer Festival (26%). It was a tie for 4th place, as well, though they were left in the dust. You can see the results over there in the right sidebar.
The big surprise here is that the Tacoma Craft Beer Festival garnered so many votes. Granted, it was a great festival, and we’re already looking forward to next year’s event, but it’s new. Maybe that’s what encourage people to vote for it. Maybe the fact that some people down in Tacoma were very active in recruiting voters had something to do with it as well . Whatever the case, this is an impressive showing.
The big daddy – the Washington Brewers Festival – came in second place, which really isn’t surprising given the sheer number of people who attend the annual event at St. Edward State Park. Referred to by many as the Father’s Day Beer Festival, this 2.5-day event attracts approximately 15,000 people each year. A lot of great beer, served in a beautiful environment, on a usually-sunny weekend… no surprise that it got so many votes.
The Cask Fest – It never ceases to amaze me that people like cask beer so much. I don’t know why it surprises me. I too lust for cask-conditioned beer. Still, I never would have expected so many people to enjoy drinking flat beer served at room temperature. Yes, of course I know there is more to it than that, so don’t attack me for saying it. I’m just saying that is surprises me. Beer Advocate magazine recently asked their national readership a questions: “Do you think cask ale in the US has become a gimmick?” Say what? Shut the front door! Well, okay I suppose it’s a discussion worth having, but apparently people out here in Washington really like cask beer, gimmicky or not.
Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations to the winners. Let’s call this one a tie.
