Parkway Tavern’s 5th Annual IPA Festival – 50+ IPAs

The Parkway Tavern in Tacoma is preparing for its 5th Annual IPA Festival.  We just received an update. They are aiming for 50 IPAs this year, but it could end up being even more than that. The current list stands at 46 (below). The event takes place on Saturday, August 28th and Sunday, August 29th. Saturday is BBQ Day – they’ll cook up 4 pigs, slabs of beer and plenty of bratwurst. They’ll also have a beer garden set up this time around.

  1. Anderson Valley Anniversary Imperial
  2. Avery Maharaja Imperial
  3. Bear Republic Racer 5
  4. Beer Valley Leafer Madness Double
  5. Big Time Bhagwan’s Best
  6. Big Time Scarlett Fire
  7. Black Raven Trickster
  8. Boulder Mojo
  9. Boundary Bay Imperial
  10. Caldera
  11. Diamond Knot
  12. Dick’s Imperial
  13. Dogfish Head 90 Minute
  14. Elysian Idiot Sauvin
  15. Everybody’s Brewing Goodwill
  16. Firestone Walker Union Jack
  17. Fremont Interurban
  18. Full Sail Spotless
  19. Georgetown Lucille Cask
  20. Great Divide Titan
  21. Green Flash West Coast
  22. Harmon Single Hop
  23. Hopwork’s Organic
  24. Hale’s Over the Hop
  25. Lagunitas Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’
  26. Laughing Dog Devil Dog Imperial
  27. Laurelwood Workhorse
  28. Left Hand 400lb Monkey
  29. Maritime Pacific Double Dry Hopped Imperial
  30. Midnight Sun Meltdown Double
  31. New Belgium Ranger
  32. Ninkasi Dry Hopped Tricerahops
  33. Northern Lights
  34. Oskar Blues Gubna Imperial
  35. Pike Double IPA
  36. Port Brewing Mongo
  37. Port Townsend Imperial
  38. Schooner Exact Virgil Imperial Cask
  39. Scuttlebutt Hoptopia Double
  40. Southern Tier Randall
  41. Stone 14th Anniversary Emperial
  42. Stone Double Dry Hopped
  43. Two Beers Peach-Infused Summer Hop
  44. Victory Hop Wallop Randall
  45. Walking Man Homo Erectus
  46. Widmer Deadlift Imperial