I am reporting this because I don’t want anyone to think I’m sleeping. It’s not that I am unaware, I’m just uncertain about the details. So here’s what I know. According to the West Seattle Blog, an old mini-mart in West Seattle called Tervo’s Market is being transformed into a brewery.
A few weeks ago I heard rumors that a brewery was opening at the location so I searched for information on the State’s website. I found nothing about a license pending or approved at the location in question. Naturally, I assumed our source was confused or misinformed. It happens.
Today the West Seattle Blog reports that Kevin Fawcett is indeed planning to open West Seattle Brewing at the location. As we understand it, Kevin is the man behind the mysterious Seattle Brewing Company, which the Liquor Control Board shows licensed as a microbrewery at a location on 4th Avenue South in Seattle’s SoDo neighborhood. I say mysterious because I have checked out the address associated with the license and there is no sign of a brewery. Once again, it happens.
Confused? Apparently a name change (from Seattle Brewing to West Seattle Brewing) and a location change (from SoDo to West Seattle) are both in the works. We will report more as we learn more. Whatever the case, this is all good news for the residents of West Seattle. Apparently there is no timeline as licenses are still pending.
In the meantime, I encourage you to check out the story on the West Seattle Blog for more details.
The photo below is courtesy of the West Seattle Blog.