More than half of you drink WA beer more than half of the time


So how much Washington beer do you drink? We just closed our poll asking you that question. Turns out, you drink quite a bit of it. Two-thirds of you drink Washington beer more than half the time.

  • 90% of you drink Washington beer more than 25% of the time.
  • 67% of you drink Washington beer more than 50% of the time.
  • 12% of you drink Washington beer more than 90% of the time.

Look at those results. You know what they mean? Ya, neither do we. This was not one of our more popular polls. We only had a couple hundred people vote despite the fact that we had thousands of visitors during the time the poll ran. This is particularly interesting given the fact that last week’s post, To drink or not to drink, local that is, received so much attention. That post apparently made a lot of people think about the topic of drinking local beer. Chris Devlin even posted his own followup story on the Seattle Beer News.

Here’s what we learned:

10% of you drink WA beer 25% of the time or less.
23% of you drink WA beer 25%-50%  of the time.
30% of you drink WA beer 50%-75% of the time.
25% of you drink WA beer 75%-90% of the time.
12% of you drink WA beer more than 90% of the time.





4 thoughts on “More than half of you drink WA beer more than half of the time

  1. Does homebrew count? I missed the poll but am likely at the 90% mark. Half priced growlers at The Ram and Pillagers pub are fantastic!

  2. Does homebrew count? I missed the poll but am likely at the 90% mark. Half priced growlers at The Ram and Pillagers pub are fantastic!

  3. Last night at dinner, 100% Washington beers. Saturday at Belgianfest, 100% Washington beers. Over the last several days, not so much: Green Flash, North Coast, Slaapmutske/De Proef, New Belgium too. For the consumer, So Much Choice. For the Washington brewer, So Much Competition.

  4. Last night at dinner, 100% Washington beers. Saturday at Belgianfest, 100% Washington beers. Over the last several days, not so much: Green Flash, North Coast, Slaapmutske/De Proef, New Belgium too. For the consumer, So Much Choice. For the Washington brewer, So Much Competition.

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