Live From the Urban Beer Garden


With reclaimed furniture from the old Red Door, tables and benches fashioned using re-purposed kegs, and an impressive after work crowd gathering, this is the place to be in Fremont. The Urban Beer Garden (UBG) is hoppin’ – pardon the pun.
In addition to the Universale Pale Ale, Fremont Brewing is pouring a couple of experimental offerings in the UBG today. Matt Lincecum tells me that the IPA utilized all of the Cs. “Cascades, Chinooks, Centennials and any other C hops we could find.”
He warns me that the beer didn’t quite hit the mark. “The malt needs to come up. It’s not quite balanced.”
More proof that I must be out of balance. It’s really good.
Matt also tells me that away from the Universale Pale everything is experimental right now. They are at max production keeping up with demand for their flagship ale. He has plans to up the production capacity soon.
This is cool. I like the UBG. Good people, good music. Beer’s good, too. Next up, an oak-aged, dry-hopped Universale.
Fremont Brewing’s Urban Beer Garden is open Thursdays and Fridays, 4:00 – 8:00, at 3409 Woodland Park Ave. N Seattle, WA 98103. Read our original post.


3 thoughts on “Live From the Urban Beer Garden

  1. Huh? What is the Urban Beer Garden and where is it? This blog needs better background explanations, or hyperlinks.

  2. The live story was posted via an iPhone, which limits some functionality. We have updated the post to include a link to the story we wrote about the Urban Beer Garden a couple weeks ago. It is, essentially, the tasting room at Fremont Brewing.

  3. Ah. Sorry if I sounded critical in my last post, I wrote that after 50+ oz of beer at the Fremont Oktoberfest. The New Yorker in me starts to overpower the polite Seattleite then 🙂

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