From the Brewery Straight to Your Door – The Milkman Delivers


beermanWouldn’t it be nice if the convenience of yesteryear could be combined with the needs of today? I’ve always thought that a beer delivery service was a simple and beautiful business concept that couldn’t fail, I’ve just never had the business acumen to realize the dream.
Enter Milkman Seattle. Currently operating in trial mode, Milkman Seattle is a service that delivers beer and wine to your doorstep in selected Seattle neighborhoods. It is an online/offline shopping experience. You select product on the Web site and they deliver it to your door. They deliver Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. There is no delivery fee, just a $5 monthly subscription fee.
Milkman Seattle says, “We can promise our prices will meet or beat what you’ll find just about anywhere else.” As far as selection is concerned, they’ll have a recognizable variety of local and regional offerings. They will also have monthly growler specials allowing you to get beer that normally can only be purchased at the brewery’s tap room.
I have always been fascinated by the fact that human beings are the only creatures on earth that drink another animal’s milk. However, virtually all creatures on earth drink beer. Not true, but wouldn’t it be interesting if it was?
The only real catch is that someone must be home to accept delivery (you or a designated agent). In other words, they won’t leave the beer on the front porch for the neighborhood kids to steal before you get home from work.
Right now, signing up on their Web site will put you on a waiting list. Select individuals from that list will be chosen to participate in the ongoing pilot program. Visit Milkman Seattle on the Web at
Added: Jud Greif of Milkman Seattle tells us via a comment left here, “This is our first week of offering specials. Growlers from both Big Al’s and Georgetown brewing are on tap for delivery next week. The following week two others, and so on. We’ll be circulating a rotation of local specialties with the hope to allow distribution of beers and wines that are very hard to find if not impossible to find outside of bars or restaurants. To compliment these specials customers will have an unlimited offering of beers and wines available for order through our website; essentially anything you can find in the region you can most likely get through Milkman Seattle.”


8 thoughts on “From the Brewery Straight to Your Door – The Milkman Delivers

  1. Interesting. Their name is confusing though. They’re called Milkman but don’t deliver any milk? When I first read your post I thought they offered milk, beer, and wine.
    It’ll be tough competing with Amazon Fresh. Amazon Fresh already offers beer, and has more flexible delivery options and a lot of people already hooked on their service.
    The growler special sounds cool though.

  2. Interesting. Their name is confusing though. They’re called Milkman but don’t deliver any milk? When I first read your post I thought they offered milk, beer, and wine.
    It’ll be tough competing with Amazon Fresh. Amazon Fresh already offers beer, and has more flexible delivery options and a lot of people already hooked on their service.
    The growler special sounds cool though.

  3. This is our first week of offering specials. Growlers from both Big Al’s and Georgetown brewing are on tap for delivery next week. The following week two others, and so on. We’ll be circulating a rotation of local specialties with the hope to allow distribution of beers and wines that are very hard to find if not impossible to find outside of bars or restaurants. To compliment these specials customers will have an unlimited offering of beers and wines available for order through our website; essentially anything you can find in the region you can most likely get through Milkman Seattle. I sincerely hope this differentiates us from Amazon Fresh.

  4. This is our first week of offering specials. Growlers from both Big Al’s and Georgetown brewing are on tap for delivery next week. The following week two others, and so on. We’ll be circulating a rotation of local specialties with the hope to allow distribution of beers and wines that are very hard to find if not impossible to find outside of bars or restaurants. To compliment these specials customers will have an unlimited offering of beers and wines available for order through our website; essentially anything you can find in the region you can most likely get through Milkman Seattle. I sincerely hope this differentiates us from Amazon Fresh.

  5. Well, I gotta say it’s a foolish thing to have the website when isn’t taken. Stupid marketing. Milkman Seattle? You’ll get irritated emails from housefraus wanting milk instead of the business that could be yours from using the right name. Epic fail.

  6. Well, I gotta say it’s a foolish thing to have the website when isn’t taken. Stupid marketing. Milkman Seattle? You’ll get irritated emails from housefraus wanting milk instead of the business that could be yours from using the right name. Epic fail.

  7. There are several good regional milk stouts available they can offer to anyone who rings up looking for milk.

  8. There are several good regional milk stouts available they can offer to anyone who rings up looking for milk.

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