We gave you a lot of choices. Maybe that turned some people off. Whatever the case, this poll didn’t get nearly as much attention as previous polls. In the end, 508 people voted. We rolled the “Other” votes into the results where appropriate and ignored votes for non-Washington beers. The results do not include any beer that ended up with only one vote.
The stand outs: Boundary Bay Cabin Fever (22%), Maritime Pacific Jolly Roger (15%), and Big Time Old Wooly (13%). Those are the only beers that ended up with more than 10%. Beyond those three, the field was pretty evenly split. Complete results below.
With the Winter Beer Festival just a month away, we figured this poll would be a good way to get you thinking about your favorite Washington winter beers. The low voter turnout might indicate that you aren’t ready to think about the long, dark winter which will soon be upon us. Today, temperatures are supposed to be in the 60s – which is unreal for November. Old Man Winter is going to make us pay for it, I promise.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Winter Beer Festival, where there will surely be some surprises to delight all of our palates.