On February 22nd Hellbent Brewing Company hosts a fundraiser for North Helpline. The event also sees the release of a special, limited-release beer, a pepper saison. Here are the details:
Hellbent Brewing Company & FireFlower Sauce Presents:
CHILI CON CARNIVAL Benefiting North Helpline
**FireFlower Pepper Saison Collaboration Release**
February 22nd 2020 4:00pm-6:00pm
Hellbent Brewing Company
13035 Lake City Way NE
Seattle WA 98125
Join us for our First Annual Chili Con Carnival, a chili cook-off benefiting our neighbors at North Helpline. What better way to fight the winter weather by eating some great food, raising some money for a good cause and drinking some great beer!! For a suggested donation of $10 you’ll be invited to sample 8-10 different homemade chili recipes made with Hellbent Beer! By fellow beer lovers! Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
If you would like to participate and cook some chili, please contact randy@hellbentbrewingcompany. com. Come and bring your best chili!
In the spirit of spice, we are also releasing our FireFlower collaboration Pepper Beer, a chili pepper-infused saison that is a medley of black pepper, zesty citrus, floral goodness and a subtle yet tangy heat. Beer is very limited and will be available only in 22oz bottles.