Shilshole Bay’s icon Ray’s Cafe is hosting the first-ever Ballard Beer Awards. They’re the hosts, but you are the judge and jury. Starting on January 14 and running through February 14, you can visit Ray’s to sample some beer and vote for your favorite. The lineup includes beers from five of Ballard’s breweries.
“In 1982 Paul Shipman started Redhook Brewery… in Ballard,” says Ray’s Cafe. “Later that year Ray’s Executive Chef Russ Wohlers, and Paul carried the first keg of Redhook into Ray’s and they’ve been a champion of Ballard beer ever since!”
“Voting is simple, guests just purchase a pint of beer from one of the breweries and that counts as their vote. Or they can fill out a ballot if they choose not to imbibe.”
On February 15 Ray’s will announce the winning brewery based on the highest number of votes from the public and present the brewery owners with a trophy. The brewery will host a multi-course “Winning Brewery Dinner” at Ray’s on Saturday, March 5 for the public to attend.
Each brewery will make a visit to Ray’s Café for a special tasting night during the month. Participating Ballard breweries include:
- January 15 – Stoup Brewing
- January 19 – Lucky Envelope Brewing
- January 21 – Hilliards Beer
- January 26 – Maritime Pacific Brewing Co.
- January 28 – Reuben’s Brews
Each of those brewery visits take place from 4:00 – 6:00.
Didn’t Gordon Bowker start Redhook?
Yes, along with Paul Shipman.