Two days, four breweries, four beers that are all the same but different
It’s one thing to collaborate with other breweries, nothing new or uncommon about that, but what the breweries of Snohomish, Washington are doing for this event is a bit different. They call it SMASH and Dash and it reminds me of an old, still-practiced Bavarian brewing tradition known as zoiglbier. It’s obscure, and many hardcore beer geeks don’t know about zoigl. But let’s talk about Smash and Dash.
The annual SMASH and Dash is happening this weekend, March 1 and 2, in Snohomish, Washington. Four Snohomish breweries met up a while back and brewed one base beer. Each brewer returned the nearly finished beer to its brewery to dry-hop it however it liked. This year, the brewers focused on a set of hops from New Zealand. Four beers, each the same but each different. Which will be your favorite?
Stop by any of the four breweries, grab a punch card, and then collect a stamp as you visit each brewery and sample the beer. When you collect all four punches, drop them in the bowl for your chance to win a cool swag basket representing the four participating breweries: Haywire Brewing, Barley Pop Brewing, Spada Farmhouse Brewery, and Sound 2 Summit Brewery.
Each brewery has a limited amount of its SMASH beer, so make your plans, grab some friends and enjoy some of Snohomish’s best beer.
Visit our Events page for information about other upcoming beer events.