NEW POLL. What's your favorite winter beer?


Our new poll is up. This time we are asking you to select your favorite Washington winter beer. It’s over there on the right waiting for your input.
I know you guys are going to slap me around for this one. Go ahead, I can take it. Just know that I really did try to select the 14 winter beers that I thought were most likely to get the most votes and also provide some interesting choices. Yes, I know, I failed to include your favorite winter beer and having to write in your answer is totally unfair. I know that I fail you, but I really do try.
I know that some people will freak out when they see that I put Winterhook on the  list. I know that some people will question whether Pyramid actually is a Washington brewery anymore. Who doesn’t? However, I am absolutely certain that if I did not put Snow Cap on the list, I would catch hell from someone about it. Start swinging, I’m ready for it.


1 thought on “NEW POLL. What's your favorite winter beer?

  1. Most “winter” beers are strong ales rather than Barleywines, so it seems unfair to categorize Big Time’s Old Wooly as a winter ale.
    It is without a doubt the most amazing beer experience in Washington State. When Old Woolly is first available at the Big Time Brewery, it’s a happening. The place is packed, everyone is friendly. It’s such a joy to see so many people walking around with tiny snifters of fantastic barleywine.
    If Old Woolly was not included in this list, then Cabin Fever would probably be my favorite.

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