Heavy Metal Beer Bash at Pipers Creek!!!!


caution-rockHappening tonight (Thurs. Dec. 10) — Forgive me if this is more about music and less about beer, but the Heavy Metal Beer Bash will be making a stop at the Pub at Pipers Pub in Greenwood tonight. What, you might be wondering, is a Heavy Metal Beer Bash? Well, it’s’ a clever way of saying they’ll have three particular beers on tap, each of which has a name with heavy metal connotations. Of course Pipers Creek will have much more than that on tap -they’ve got 21 beers on tap.
Also, tonight’s lineup includes contests for the highest hair and the coolest concert T-shirt. They will be handing out rockin’ good prizes, to boot. Bust out the Motley Crue T-shirt, buy yourself some Aqua-Net Extra Hold. and go have a rockin’ good time. Throw some goat while you’re at it (picture above).
This is the first time we’ve mentioned the Heavy Metal Beer Bash Tour. Although we love the concept, it has little to do with the Washington craft beer scene. It has already  made stops at Buckley’s and the Whiskey Bar.
The Heavy Metal Beer Bash Tour 2009 includes:
Back in Black, from 21st Amendment Brewing. Back in Black was the title track to AC/DC’s re-debut album. After the death of Bon Scott in 1980, long-haired kids in black leather jackets wondered how the band could continue. This album answered that question with an exclamation point named Brian Johnson and songs that line the walls of the heavy metal Pantheon.
SleighR, from Ninkasi Brewing.  The band Slayer is probably best known for their T-shirts, but they are a fairly infamous heavy metal band that emerged back in the 80s. Very serious metal. By the late 80s, people into this band were snubbing their noses at what they considered pop metal bands like Metallica.
Fade to Black, from Left Hand Brewing. From Metallica’s second album, Ride the Lightning, the song Fade to Black (personal favorite Metallica song) actually reached number one on the charts back in 1984… in Switzerland.  Lyrically, the song is about a man contemplating and eventually committing suicide – a common theme in metaldom.


3 thoughts on “Heavy Metal Beer Bash at Pipers Creek!!!!

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    Did you get it or do I need to redo it?

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