Boundary Bay is celebrating their 14th anniversary tonight in Bellingham. Their actual anniversary was yesterday, but in classic beer-lovin fashion they delayed the party by one day so that they could also launch this year’s Harvest Ale, a beer they are calling a “full bodied beer with maltiness as the predominant flavor.” Party goers will also be offered cake and ice cream, with live music from 4 to 6. (I’m not sure about combining cake with beer, I think we’ll stick with the beer.) Happy Birthday, Boundary Bay. Congrats to Ed and Janet on many years of success.
Speaking of visiting Boundary Bay, it’s nearing time for Mrs. Beer Blog’s annual North Cascades larch hike and Yam Alechelada combo. Time’s running out to enjoy fall hiking and Boundary Bay is a mighty fine place to head after hikes, bike rides and other such outdoor activities in the northern reaches of the state. You’ll find lots of like minded company, and no one will frown on you for being a bit sweaty. They’ll just offer you another pint.