Celebration vertical tasting at Cooper’s

Cooper’s Alehouse has been hoarding away kegs of Sierra Nevada Celebration since 2006. This Friday (February 4th) Cooper’s offers you the chance to taste the last five years worth of Celebration side-by-side. The event gets underway Friday at 5:00 p.m. Order a taster tray and evaluate all five beers side-by-side.

I talked to Kirbie Predmore, the publican at Cooper’s Alehouse, about this event. He’s not exactly sure why they decided to start cellaring Celebration. “It is not one of those beers that you typically think of people holding onto like this, but it is one of our most popular seasonals,” he said. “We go through a lot of it each winter and at some point we just decided to keep a little extra laying around.” (Properly stored, of course.)

Photo courtesy of Dor and Bob (@dorandbob)