On November 20th, nine local breweries and five local bars will participate in Beer Church Turkey Bowl 2010 at that West Seattle Bowl. The 12th Annual Turkey Bowl is a fundraiser and food drive for the West Seattle Food Bank.
What’s a Beer Church?
In addition to operating this blog, Mrs. Beer Blog and I also run Beer Church. Without going into too much excruciating detail, Beer Church is an idea that I hatched many years ago with my good friend Pete. He is now sipping barley pops at the Great Taphouse in the Sky, but Beer Church carries on in his honor.
From the beginning our idea was simple: use beer as a way to get people engaged in the community. Create simple, fun and affordable ways for people to be involved in charitable giving. And what’s more simpler, more funner and more affordabler than beer? (That’s how Pete would have said it.)
So that’s what we do. Beer Church has hosted the annual Beer Church Turkey Bowl for the past 12 years at West Seattle Bowl. We’ve done all sorts of other crazy events over the years, but it always comes back to bowling. Our annual food drive and fundraiser for the West Seattle Food Bank has become legendary. There is a video below that will give you an idea of the kind of fun we have.
It’s not our mission to brag about these things, but suffice it to say that the many wonderful people who have attended our events over the years have donated tens of thousands of dollars to various charities. Actually, this year’s event will push us into the six digit range. This doesn’t even include the truckloads of food we’ve donated to the Food Bank.
The Battle of the Brewers
A couple of years ago we started inviting a few breweries to participate in the Beer Church Battle of the Brewers – a friendly competition within the larger Turkey Bowl. The winning team last year was from Elliott Bay Brewery. This year we have nine teams competing: Big Al Brewing, Naked City Brewery, Pike Brewery, Elysian Brewing, Georgetown Brewing, Emerald City Beer, Schooner Exact Brewing, Two Beers Brewing, and returning champion Elliott Bay Brewing.
There will also be teams from local bars competing in the Beer Church Bar Brawl, namely: Beveridge Place Pub, Dog and Pony Alehouse, Porterhouse Pub, the Feedback Lounge, and West 5 (the three-time champion).
This year Beer Church Turkey Bowl is sponsored by Link Apartments and Mike’s Hard Lemonade. We seriously appreciate their support. Although Mike’s isn’t beer, it is local and they have graciously stepped up to sponsor the event. We like that.
Beer Church Pale Ale
This year Beer Church is hatching a new plan to help beer lovers contribute to charitable causes. We’re making a beer. If you frequent the better beer bars and pubs around the Seattle area, you’ll start to see Beer Church Pale Ale late next month. We will do a separate post about that beer in the near future.
In the meantime, here’s a video from last year’s Beer Church Turkey Bowl.