Uber Tavern Holds the Lead Over Brouwer's and Bev Place


In our quest to discover what you think is the Seattle-area’s best beer bar, Uber Tavern currently holds a respectable lead. Our poll asks the simple question, “Which is your favorite Seattle-area beer bar (not brew pub)?” If you have not voted in this final round, you should do so now. You can vote over there in the right sidebar.
Given the spike in votes Uber received last week, we assume that someone rallied the troops and got the Uber faithful to give it the old “heave-ho!” Uber’s lead might seem insurmountable at 49%, but do not give up hope. Brouwer’s Cafe (26%) and the Beveridge Place Pub (11%) are both within striking distance. In fact, a sudden push from any of the contestants could still throw a big wrench into things.
There are still more than three days left to vote. And it really wouldn’t take all that many votes to catch up.  But then again, if y’all think Uber Tavern is Seattle’s best beer bar, that’s all good, too. We’re not playing favorites, we just want everyone’s voice to be heard.
Current standings as of Tuesday, Oct. 13th.
