Have you heard about Groupons? Not coupons, but Groupons. Each day Groupon offers something cool at an unbeatable price. You only get the deal if enough people jump on it. That’s the “Group” part of it. Tell your like-minded friends about today’s deal and you will all enjoy the savings. It’s an interesting concept: one that I’ve taken advantage of personally. In short, if it’s something you need or something you are into, the Groupon is a screaming deal. Usually it is some form of a two for one.
Why am I talking about this?
Today’s deal is with Two Beers Brewing and I thought it was worth talking about here on the Washington Beer Blog. The short version is that you get a beer tasting and a T-shirt for $15. It’s a $30 value for 15 bucks! What’s more, you get to go check out Two Beers’ brewery down in SoDo. (Or is it Georgetown?)
Check it out at http://www.groupon.com/seattle/
This is the kind of new, creative marketing enabled by the fact that we are all so tightly linked together by the Internet. Groupon fits right in line with things like Twitter and Facebook in a hip, young brewery’s marketing arsenal. Who needs billboards or television ads when you’ve got social media. Hundreds of people -more likely thousands of people- are being introduced to Two Beers Brewing today because of Groupon. Cheers to that!
Looks like a lot of people are jumping on this deal. Joel better get some more T-shirts printed.