'Tis the Season – for winter seasonals


This time of year can be a bit rough. It seems to happen so fast. The days start to get shorter and shorter, the weather gets colder and wetter. Suddenly one morning you wake up at 7:00 a.m. and it is still pitch dark outside.  It’s dark when you drive in to work and it’s already dark when you get home from work. It’s only mid October, but we all know it is coming soon. It’s kind of depressing, I know.
Ah, but wailazy_boy_label_mistletoet! This is also the time of year when Washington brewers start to release their winter seasonal beers. Sweet relief! For example, Shawn Loring from Lazy Boy Brewing recently contacted us to tell us that they are about to start bottling their new winter seasonal offering – Mistletoe Bliss. Described as, “A new brown ale on steroids,” Mistletoe Bliss is made with Brown, Pale, Crystal, Munich, Vienna, and Chocolate malts. The malt profile is complimented by Ahtanum hops. To help warm you on those cold winter nights, Mistletoe Bliss weighs in at 7.5% ABV (that’ll set your clock back an hour, if you know what I’m sayin’).
This week we are wrapping up our current poll — your favorite Seattle-area beer bar. If you haven’t voted in the final round yet, then you should. Next week we’ll be starting a new poll. Yep, you guessed it. We’ll be asking, “What’s your favorite Washington winter seasonal.”
So get ready. We’re about to slip into the long dark season. Get ready to fill your belly with big, rich and robust winter beers.
BTW – Mistletoe Bliss will be available at the finer bottle shops (99 Bottles, Seattle Beer Authority, Malt & Vine, Full Throttle, Bottleworks, etc) and hopefully in finer QFCs as well.
Just a reminder here, if you don’t see what you want at your local grocery story, ask to talk to the beverage manager and tell them you want to see more Washington beer on the shelf. They sometimes listen.
