The series of events celebrates summer, friends, music, beer, and the Scherler Premium Sh*tty Light American Lagers
Sometimes breweries take themselves way too seriously. Sometimes they don’t. Three Magnets Brewing of Olympia, Washington recently introduced a couple of new beers to its year-round lineup: Scherler Easy Premium Shitty™ Light American Lager, and Scherler Easiest Non-Alcoholic Premium Shitty™ Light American Lager. The word shitty is obviously used tongue in cheek. Scherler Easy Premium Shitty Light American Lager currently has a rating of 3.65 on Untappd, so it’s not literally a shitty beer.
The brewery just announced a series of events involving the Scherler beers. “Do you know what pairs perfectly with lagers in the summertime? Music. And friends,” said an announcement from Three Magnets Brewing. “So we thought, ‘what if we celebrated the confluence of beer, music, and friends? What would that look like?’ Well, it would probably look something like this.”
Scherler Sundays bring beer, music, and friends together every Sunday starting on June 12th and running through August 14th. The events kick off at 3:00 and run into the evening. The location is 620 S. Franklin Street in Olympia, right behind the Carnegie Library, next door to Three Magnets Brewing.
So why does Three Magnets Brewing refer to these beers as Premium Shitty Light American Lager? To understand what is a premium shitty beer, you must understand the nature and history of shitty American light lager itself.
According to the brewery, “What is a Shitty American Lager? Beers used to be independently made. With local ingredients. You could literally taste the terroir. Then most breweries got bought up by the big guys. The big, shitty guys. Who turned beer into a commodity. And used the cheapest fermentables they could find. They did this gradually over time. And we went along for the ride. And we learned to appreciate these cheap, shitty lagers, in a weird Stockholm syndrome sort of way.”
“So, what is a PREMIUM Shitty American Lager? We kept a lot of the things that we’ve all grown to appreciate about shitty American lagers. Including a little corn and rice sprinkled into the mash to give it that nice, crisp flavor. But we brew ours in small batches, by hand (not with robots!), and we use locally grown, craft malted grain for our base malt.”
Want to learn more about Scherler Easy Premium Shitty™ Light American Lager, and Scherler Easiest Non-Alcoholic Premium Shitty™ Light American Lager? Want to order some online? You can do all that here.