Want to learn more about objective beer tasting? On Monday, January 16th, MLK Day, The Brewmaster’s Taproom is offering a free class to help you make your beer-tasting experience less subjective. The upcoming Off-Flavor Tasting Panel is free. Info below. (Photo above from Family Business Brewing.)
If you want to taste beer like a pro, you need to learn about off-flavors and the flaws that lead to them. Just because you don’t like it, that does not make it objectively bad. One of the key components of objective beer tasting, or objective beer judging, is recognizing and understanding common flaws, or off-flavors, in beer.
You need to train your palate to recognize when a beer is oxidized, for instance. You need to learn how to identify unwanted, inappropriate phenols or DMS in your beer. These are just some of the common flaws you’ll learn about in this tasting panel. That’s right, you’re going to taste beers that are intentionally bad, beers that have been spiked, for the sake of understanding what bad beer really is.
Here’s the announcement from The Brewmaster’s Taproom.
Off-Flavor Tasting Panel
Brewmaster’s Taproom
Monday, January 16th
2:00 P.M.
Ever wonder what all those snooty beer judges are looking for? Well here’s a great way to spend your MLK Day! You can enjoy some of those amazingly horrible flavors we’re looking for! Nick Kannarr from Ram Brewing – better known as Grist’s dad – will be hosting an “Off-Flavor Tasting Panel” where we will be deliberately spiking a neutral beer (extremely quaffable lager according to Nick) with different common contaminations (nothing that will kill you or make you sick), then discussing how and why this happens. It’s something that brewers and judges regularly do and now you can too! **yipee**
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